Source code for simphony_mayavi.load

from mayavi.core.api import registry

from simphony_mayavi.adapt2cuds import adapt2cuds

[docs]def load(filename, name=None, kind=None, rename_arrays=None): """ Load the file data into a CUDS container. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file name of the file to load. name : string The name of the returned CUDS container. Default is 'CUDS container'. kind : {'mesh', 'lattice', 'particles'} The kind of the container to return. Default is None, where the function will use some heuristics to infer the most appropriate type of CUDS container to return (using adapt2cuds). rename_array : dict Dictionary mapping the array names used in the dataset object to their related CUBA keywords that will be used in the returned CUDS container. .. note:: Only CUBA keywords are supported for array names so use this option to provide a translation mapping to the CUBA keys. """ data_set = _read(filename) return adapt2cuds( data_set, name, kind, rename_arrays)
def _read(filename): """ Find a suitable reader and read the tvtk.Dataset. """ metasource = registry.get_file_reader(filename) if metasource is None: message = 'No suitable reader found for file: {}' raise RuntimeError(message.format(filename)) if metasource.factory is None: source = metasource.get_callable()() source.initialize(filename) source.update() reader = source.reader else: message = 'Mayavi reader that requires a scene is not supported : {}' raise NotImplementedError(message.format(filename)) if len(source.outputs) != 1: message = 'Only one output is expected from the reader' raise RuntimeError(message) return reader.output