Source code for simphony_mayavi.plugins.add_source_panel

from pyface.api import MessageDialog
from traits.api import HasTraits, Bool, Event, Int, Enum, List, Instance, Str
from traitsui.api import (View, VGroup, HGroup, Item, Action, Handler,
                          ListStrEditor, ButtonEditor)
from traitsui.list_str_adapter import ListStrAdapter

from simphony.cuds.abc_modeling_engine import ABCModelingEngine
from simphony_mayavi.sources.api import EngineSource

from .add_engine_source_to_mayavi import add_source_and_modules_to_scene

class EngineSourceAdapter(ListStrAdapter):
    ''' ListStrAdapter for EngineSource to be used by ListStrEditor
    for displaying info of EngineSource that is pending to be sent
    to Mayavi '''

    # The displayed text cannot be edited
    can_edit = Bool(False)

    def get_text(self, object, trait, index):
        ''' Text for representing the EngineSource '''
        # All the point/cell data names being added
        source = getattr(object, trait)[index]
        data_names = ",".join([name for name in (source.point_scalars_name,
                               if name])
        text = "{source}({data}) from {engine}"
        return text.format(source=source.dataset,

class PendingEngineSourceHandler(Handler):
    ''' UI Handler for adding dataset as a source in EngineSourceManager
    The source is appended to the ``_pending_engine_sources`` list '''

    def append_list(self, info):
        ''' Confirm and add the EngineSource to the pending list '''

[docs]class AddSourcePanel(HasTraits): ''' Standalone UI for adding datasets from a modeling engine to a Mayavi scene Parameters ---------- engine : ABCModelingEngine Simphony Modeling Engine wrapper engine_name : str Name of the modeling engine mayavi_engine : mayavi.api.Engine the mayavi engine that manages the scenes ''' engine = Instance(ABCModelingEngine) engine_name = Str mayavi_engine = Instance("mayavi.core.engine.Engine") label = "Add to Mayavi" # UI functions _add_dataset = Event _remove_dataset = Event _add_to_scene = Event # Pending EngineSource to be added to Mayavi _pending_engine_sources = List(Instance(EngineSource)) # Selected pending EngineSource (as an index of the list) _pending_source = Enum(values="_pending_engine_sources") _pending_source_index = Int panel_view = View( VGroup( HGroup( Item("_add_dataset", show_label=False, editor=ButtonEditor(label="+")), Item("_remove_dataset", show_label=False, enabled_when="_pending_source", editor=ButtonEditor(label="-")), Item("_add_to_scene", show_label=False, enabled_when="_pending_engine_sources", editor=ButtonEditor(label="Send to Scene"))), Item("_pending_engine_sources", show_label=False, editor=ListStrEditor( adapter=EngineSourceAdapter(), editable=False, selected="_pending_source", selected_index="_pending_source_index")), ), title="Visualise") # -------------------------------------------------- # Public methods # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show_config(self): ''' Show the GUI ''' return self.edit_traits(view="panel_view", kind="live")
# ------------------------------------------------- # UI Operations # ------------------------------------------------- def __add_dataset_fired(self): if self.engine is None: message_dialog = MessageDialog() message_dialog.error("No engine is selected") return if len(self.engine.get_dataset_names()) == 0: message_dialog = MessageDialog() message_dialog.error("The engine has no dataset") return source = EngineSource(engine=self.engine) source.engine_name = self.engine_name source._dataset_changed() # Default trait view of EngineSource source_view = source.trait_view() # Add handler for appending to the list of pending sources source_view.handler = PendingEngineSourceHandler() # Add buttons AddToPending = Action(name="Confirm", action="append_list") source_view.buttons = [AddToPending, "Cancel"] return self.edit_traits(view=source_view, context={"object": source, "manager": self}) def __remove_dataset_fired(self): if len(self._pending_engine_sources) > self._pending_source_index: self._pending_engine_sources.pop(self._pending_source_index) def __add_to_scene_fired(self): added_source_indices = [] # sources that are sucessfully added err_messages = [] # keep all error messages for display at once # add source one by one for index, source in enumerate(self._pending_engine_sources): try: add_source_and_modules_to_scene(self.mayavi_engine, source) except Exception as exception: message_format = ("{err_type} (while adding {source}):\n" " {message}") text = message_format.format(err_type=type(exception).__name__, message=exception.message, source=source.dataset) err_messages.append(text) else: added_source_indices.append(index) # Display error messages if there is any if len(err_messages) > 0: message_dialog = MessageDialog() message_dialog.error("\n".join(err_messages)) # Keep the sources failed to be added for index in added_source_indices[::-1]: self._pending_engine_sources.pop(index)