Source code for simphony_mayavi.load

from mayavi.core.api import registry

from simphony_mayavi.adapt2cuds import adapt2cuds

[docs]def load(filename, name=None, kind=None, rename_arrays=None): """ Load the file data into a CUDS container. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file name of the file to load. name : str The name of the returned CUDS container. Default is 'CUDS container'. kind : str The kind {'mesh', 'lattice', 'particles'} of the container to return. Default is None, where the function will use some heuristics to infer the most appropriate type of CUDS container to return (using adapt2cuds). rename_array : dict Dictionary mapping the array names used in the dataset object to their related CUBA keywords that will be used in the returned CUDS container. .. note:: Only CUBA keywords are supported for array names so use this option to provide a translation mapping to the CUBA keys. """ data_set = _read(filename) return adapt2cuds( data_set, name, kind, rename_arrays)
def _read(filename): """ Find a suitable reader and read the tvtk.Dataset. """ metasource = registry.get_file_reader(filename) if metasource is None: message = 'No suitable reader found for file: {}' raise RuntimeError(message.format(filename)) if metasource.factory is None: source = metasource.get_callable()() source.initialize(filename) source.update() reader = source.reader else: message = 'Mayavi reader that requires a scene is not supported : {}' raise NotImplementedError(message.format(filename)) if len(source.outputs) != 1: message = 'Only one output is expected from the reader' raise RuntimeError(message) return reader.output